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Great! We’re glad you’re interested! If you can tell us a little more about yourself and your interests, we’ll send you the information that’s right for you.

Contact Information

For personalized assistance with SVC’s Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Process and/or SVC Program Information inquiries:

Aide Guevara
Recruitment and Outreach Specialist
Assistance: Professional Technical programs and Çï¿ûÊÓƵ support
Email: aide.guevara-martinez@skagit.edu

Darby Graf
Recruitment and Outreach Specialist
Assistance: Bachelor programs and Çï¿ûÊÓƵ support
Email: darby.graf@skagit.edu

For partnerships and collaborations, please email:

Diana Peregrina (Hablo Español)
Director of Recruitment and Outreach
Directora de Reclutamiento y Alcance Comunitario
Phone: 360.416.7842
Email: Diana.Peregrina@skagit.edu

If you are a new student in need of assistance with filling out the online admissions application or that is interested in attending an information session, please visit our Çï¿ûÊÓƵ lab website for information regarding session dates and locations.

For Events and Presentations Requests, email Outreach@skagit.edu

To learn more about SVC bachelor’s degrees and to sign up for a program briefing session, click here or email bachelors@skagit.edu.

Para información sobre nuestros programas, el proceso de admisión, registro a clases y eventos en Español mande un correo electrónico a:

For CTE Dual Credit, College in the High School, and Running Start Inquiries:
Email: D³Ü²¹±ô³¦°ù±ð»å¾±³Ù°ª²õ°ì²¹²µ¾±³Ù.±ð»å³Ü