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How-to Instructions For All Browsers

11/8/2018 Note: Passwords now must be at least 12 characters in length.


Have you set up your Okta recovery options?

If you have set up your Okta recovery options:

Start here and change your password in Okta

If you have not set up your Okta recovery options:
1. Contact the IT Help Desk

Email: IT.HelpDesk@Skagit.edu
Phone: 360.416.7766 2

2. Update your devices and stay connected

After changing your password you will need to immediately update all of your devices that are connected to your SVC email account so you can stay connected.


Criteria for Creating Passwords

  • Minimum Length – 12 characters
  • Passwords must include three of the following four types of characters:
    1. Lowercase
    2. Uppercase
    3. Numbers
    4. Special characters such as:   ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ]
  • Passwords cannot contain any part of your name
  • Old passwords cannot be reused for five iterations