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2000 Operational Governance

Initial Date of Approval: 3/12/07

Revision Date(s):  11/17/08; 3/17/11, 3/21/13, 6/4/14, 5/16/16, 6/16/16, 11/14/16, 6/11/17, 3/21/18, 5/21/18, 5/20/20, 6/22/20, 5/17/21

Administrative Responsibility: President


The operational governance structure provides a voice in operational governance for all college constituencies through a structure that fosters the college’s principles of integrity, respect, open and honest communication, and collaboration. In addition, it provides clear, well-defined, effective and efficient channels of communication for making recommendations and decisions.


SVC Board of Trustees Policy


The Board of Trustees has delegated authority for operational governance functions and structure to the President.


2000.05 General Governance Procedures
2000.05.1 Committee Structure
2000.05.2 Membership
2000.05.3 Expectations of Committee Members
2000.05.4 Orientation and Review
2000.05.5 Organization and Meeting Rules
2000.05.6 Voting
2000.05.7 Evidence-Supported Recommendations
2000.05.8 Communications
2000.05.9 Hearings
2000.05.10 Standing Committee Recommendations
2000.10 Governance Steering Committee
2000.10.1 Charge
2000.10.2 Functions
2000.10.3 Membership
2000.20 Solve and Dissolve Task Forces


2000.30 Instruction Committee
2000.30.1 Charge
2000.30.2 Membership
2000.31 General Education Committee
2000.31.1 Charge
2000.31.2 Membership
2000.32 Assessment Committee
2000.32.1 Charge
2000.32.2 Membership
2000.40 Student Services Committee
2000.40.1 Charge
2000.40.2 Membership
2000.50 Sustainability
2000.50.1 Charge
2000.50.2 Membership
2000.60 Equity & Social Justice Committee
2000.60.1 Charge
2000.60.2 Membership
2000.70 Safety Committee
2000.70.1 Charge
2000.70.2 Membership
2000.80 Information Technology Committee
2000.80.1 Charge
2000.80.2 Membership


2000.05 General Governance Procedures

2000.05.1 Committee Structure

The governance structure consists of a Governance Steering Committee (GSC) whose primary function is to receive and distribute to the appropriate Standing Committee(s) requests for changes in governance policy, and Standing Committees, which make recommendations regarding changes to policy and provide leadership, expertise, and information to other Standing Committees or administration to inform institutional policies and procedures.

The President may form additional Standing Committees as needed. These committees will adhere to the same general structure and procedures.

The college establishes Standing Committees to determine college policies and procedures as included in the College Operational Policy and Procedures Manual (OPPM) and make recommendations on issues defined by their charge and that have significant impact on College life.

If a committee deals with issues that have the potential to significantly impact the college or the lives of students, and those elements are not covered in another part of the governance or administrative structure of the college, the committee should rightly be placed under the purview of this section.

Specifically, a committee should be included in this section if it routinely makes recommendations concerning:

  1. Curriculum, programs of study, and degrees or certificates;
  2. Student academic lives or conduct;
  3. Other areas of the College community where multiple constituencies would have legitimate interests.
  4. Because a critical purpose of each Standing Committee is to protect the voice of College constituencies in matters of importance to the College and to the lives of students, being included in this section places general guidelines on how a committee should conduct its business. (Sections 2000.05.2-2000.05.10)

Standing Committees can establish subcommittees as they determine to be appropriate. Subcommittees of a Standing Committee are organized with the purpose of addressing a specific problem or task related to the work of the Standing Committee. Subcommittees are temporary in nature. Timelines for the work will be set by the Standing Committee. The membership of the subcommittee may include Standing Committee members and other individuals with expertise or an interest in the task to be addressed. The Subcommittee will report its findings to the Standing Committee and is dissolved after filing its report unless further study is requested by the Standing Committee.

2000.05.2 Membership

Standing Committee appointments are made by the President upon recommendations as outlined below.

Each selecting unit will solicit committee membership from their respective constituencies and/or bargaining unit in accordance with the following:

  1. Administrators are appointed by the President. Note: Administrators are identified as members of Cabinet or Cabinet Plus.
  2. Faculty are selected by SVCFT.
  3. Exempt Professional Staff are selected by the Cabinet.
  4. Classified Staff are selected by WPEA.
  5. Students are selected by the ASSVC. Student committee membership should be balanced between the campuses and centers to the extent possible.
  6. Appointments are made in May, or as required to fill vacancies. If constituencies and/or bargaining units are unable to provide the President with the names for replacement committee members, the President will appoint those positions.

Unless otherwise specified, committee members serve staggered, three-year terms, except for student members, who serve a one-year term.

2000.05.3 Expectations of Committee Members

When accepting a committee appointment, members assume responsibility for active participation in committee functions. This includes attendance at meetings, submittal of a written proxy when unable to attend, preparing for meetings, and, to the extent possible, agreeing to research and/or perform other tasks necessary for completion of committee business. Members who are unable to attend at least 70% of committee meetings or who are unable to actively participate may be asked to step down.

2000.05.4 Orientation and Review

At the first meeting of each academic year, each committee will hold an orientation for all members. At this meeting, members will review the committee’s charge, functions, and usual operating procedures, the responsibilities of committee members, and the committee’s minutes summarizing work completed and pending from the prior year.

During each committee’s final meeting of each academic year, the committee will summarize all actions taken during the year as well as progress toward completion of pending issues. This summary will be included in the meeting minutes.

2000.05.5 Organization and Meeting Rules

Committees select their own chair, vice-chair, and secretary.

Standing Committees will adhere to the following meeting rules:

  1. All meetings are open to college stakeholders.
  2. To ensure access, meetings will be held in interactive television (ITV) rooms and held during the published times.
  3. Each committee will schedule meetings at least once per month during the academic year unless otherwise noted in their charge. Committees are encouraged to meet more often to expedite the work of the committee.
  4. The first meeting will be held prior to October 10th each year.

2000.05.6 Voting

  1. The committees will formulate rules of procedure based on Roberts’ Rules of Order.
  2. A voting quorum will be a simple majority of committee membership, and while written proxies may be submitted for voting purposes, they will not be used to reach a quorum.

2000.05.7 Evidence-Supported Recommendations

Committees should emphasize the importance of employing available or newly discovered evidence to support deliberations.

2000.05.8 Communications

Annual meeting dates and times will be established during fall in-service.

A notice to the college community will be sent at least two days prior to meetings providing the date, time, place and agenda for that meeting. Changes to scheduled meeting dates or times, including cancellations, will be posted at least two days prior to the originally scheduled meeting date.

The chair for each of the Standing Committees and the Governance Steering Committee (GSC) will:

  1. Post meeting dates, times and locations, and membership.
  2. Post all materials from commentators generated through a scheduled public hearing no later than one week following the close of the hearing.

The secretary for each of the Standing Committees and the Governance Steering Committee (GSC) will:

  1. Take meeting minutes at each meeting, if absent, the vice-chair will substitute.
  2. Post approved minutes and agendas of the meetings within one week of the meeting adjournment.

2000.05.9 Hearings

Public hearings will be held to allow college stakeholders to offer opinions and evidence on matters of importance to the institution. Hearings organized by all governance committees will have the following characteristics:

  1. Public hearings will be scheduled so that multiple constituencies and members of the organizing governance committee can participate. If hearings are held face-to-face, they will also include an electronic component for collection of input from college members unable to attend the public hearings. Hearings may also be held in an electronic format only.
  2. In all such public hearings, the college will encourage employing or citing evidence in support of viewpoints and input. Viewpoints and input without reference to evidence will be reviewed but might not be incorporated in the decision-making process.
  3. At least one week’s notice will be given prior to a hearing.
  4. Chair or designee of the organizing governance committee will facilitate the hearing and will enhance objectivity by not taking sides or justifying viewpoints. Facilitators of public hearings will encourage that testimony be submitted in writing.
  5. College constituencies will have three working days from the public hearing date to submit testimony to become part of the record. All testimony at public hearings is part of the public record. Anonymous contributions will not be included.
  6. All materials generated through a scheduled public hearing will be posted within one week of the close of the hearing and will be kept in committee records for at least one year.
  7. Committees will not take action on items covered during a public hearing until the college community has had at least one week to review hearing documents.

2000.05.10 Standing Committee Recommendations

In every case where a Standing Committee makes a recommendation regarding a matter referred by the GSC, that recommendation will be forwarded to the GSC for further action.

Standing Committee recommendations initiated by the standing committee on college policies and procedures must be routed to the GSC.

Standing Committee recommendations regarding procedural or process matters within the charge will be routed to the appropriate college administrator.


2000.10 Governance Steering Committee

2000.10.1 Charge

The Governance Steering Committee (GSC) receives and distributes requests for changes in governance policy. Specifically, the GSC:

  1. Receives issues and distributes to the appropriate Standing Committee(s) requests for changes in governance. If the request is determined to be a non-governance issue, the GSC notifies the original requestor, and the President.
  2. Reviews reports and recommendations of committee(s) or individual(s) to ensure that the charge has been carried out using the appropriate governance procedures.
  3. Monitors the overall effectiveness of the governance structure, processes, and procedures and makes recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of college governance.

2000.10.2 Functions

  1. Confers with the President monthly on all pending governance issues.
  2. Provides public and systematic methods for college stakeholders to submit issues to the GSC.
  3. Establishes timelines and tracks issues.
  4. Creates Solve and Dissolve Task Forces to recommend on governance operational policy and/or procedure. Provides the Task Forces with a charge, including background information and a timeline for completing deliberations.
  5. Provides orientation and training to the College community about governance structure and processes.

2000.10.3 Membership

The GSC is made up of two members each from administration, faculty, classified staff, exempt professionals, and students. Membership is district wide.

Members serve staggered, four-year terms with the exception of students, who serve a one-year term. Appointments are made in May or as needed to fill vacancies. Terms begin on appointment.

The membership will include a Chair, Chair-Elect and an immediate Past Chair. At the last scheduled meeting of the spring quarter, the membership will elect next year’s Chair-Elect.

2000.20 Solve and Dissolve Task Forces

Solve and Dissolve Task Forces will be created by the GSC to make recommendations on governance operational policy and/or procedure issues.

Solve and Dissolve Task Forces will deal with governance operational policy and/or procedural issues referred to them by the GSC and will make recommendations on assigned issue(s). Recommendations, including the rationale and evidence, will be submitted to the GSC, who will review for compliance with the charge and process and, when compliant, will forward the recommendations to the President.

Solve and Dissolve Task Forces will perform the following functions:

  1. Receive a charge and timeline for initiation and completion of deliberations from the GSC.
  2. Provide monthly progress reports to the GSC.
  3. Seek appropriate information, evidence, and input on governance policy and/or procedural issues according to the charge issued by the GSC.
  4. As directed, notify the college community of potential governance operational policy and/or procedural revisions or development and conduct public hearings as requested by the GSC.
  5. Follow established college protocols for public hearings.

Solve and Dissolve Task Forces will be composed of not less than five but not more than seven members, unless deemed otherwise by the GSC. Membership will consist of stakeholders who are knowledgeable and work directly with the governance operational policy issue under consideration. Membership should be from throughout the college district where appropriate. Task force members will be selected and appointed by the GSC. Any college stakeholder, except the President and Board of Trustees members, may serve on a Solve and Dissolve Task Force. Replacements will be appointed for members who are unable to complete their term.

The Solve and Dissolve Task Force will select a chair from its appointed membership.

The Solve and Dissolve Task Force may request that the GSC approve additional members with requisite knowledge and experience be added to the Task Force.

The Solve and Dissolve Task Force may utilize consultants to assist them in their deliberations.

Upon completion of their charge and archiving of the documentation, as determined by the GSC, the Solve and Dissolve Task Force will be dissolved.




2000.30 Instruction Committee

2000.30.1 Charge

The Instruction Committee (IC) provides the college community with expertise, leadership, research and analyses of college instructional programs. The Instruction Committee is charged with ensuring that the curriculum is current, relevant and data-informed, and results in expected student learning outcomes at the course and program levels, including collaboration with the Assessment Committee in the mapping of courses to program level outcomes, assessment, and planning for improvement. Specifically, the Instruction Committee:

  1. Reviews and makes recommendations on additions and changes to course and program-level learning outcomes.
  2. Reviews and makes recommendations on academic standards and policies as they relate to college instructional programs.
  3. Collaborates with the Student Services Committee where these committees have a vested interest in and responsibility for policies and/or procedures.
  4. Addresses other instructional policies and procedures as requested through the GSC by the President or the Vice President for Instruction.

2000.30.2 Membership

The Instruction Committee is composed of 12 members, including the Vice President for Instruction; one instructional dean; the Assessment Liaison; one library faculty; 7 at-large faculty, including at least two Arts and Sciences faculty and two professional-technical faculty; and one student.

2000.31 General Education Committee

2000.31.1 Charge

The General Education Committee (GEC) provides the college community with expertise, leadership, research and analyses regarding the General Education program to ensure that the curriculum is current, relevant and data-informed and results in expected student learning outcomes. The General Education program consists of all course requirements common across most SVC degrees, including First Quarter Experience, diversity, communication, quantitative, and other college-wide requirements. The GEC is responsible to evaluate and maintain the rigor of degree requirements as they relate to the general education learning outcomes, including collaboration with the Assessment Committee in the mapping of courses to the general education outcomes, assessment, and planning for improvement. Specifically, the GEC:

  1. Reviews and makes recommendations on new degree programs and certificates per OPPM 4000 section 4000.05.
  2. Reviews and makes recommendations on graduation and degree requirements per OPPM 4000 section 4000.05 and 4100.05.
  3. Reviews and makes recommendations on academic standards and policies as they relate to general education learning outcomes and assessment.
  4. Collaborates with the Student Services Committee where these committees have a vested interest in and responsibility for policies and/or procedures.
  5. Addresses other instructional policies and procedures as requested through the GSC by the President or the Vice President for Instruction.

2000.31.2 Membership

The General Education Committee includes 14 members: the Vice President for Instruction; two instructional deans; one representative from Student Services leadership; the Integrative Learning Coordinator and the Integrated Learning Liaison; one counseling faculty; one library faculty; one faculty who teaches a course meeting a diversity requirement; one MATH faculty; one ENGL or CMST faculty; 2 at-large faculty, with at least one representing a professional-technical program; and one student.



2000.32 Assessment Committee

2000.32.1 Charge

The Assessment Committee will oversee and help coordinate the college’s assessment of course, program, and general education learning outcomes, including the use of assessment results in planning and improvement. The Assessment Committee reviews and makes recommendations on academic standards, policies, and practices as they relate to learning outcomes assessment. Specifically, the Assessment Committee:

  1. Reviews and makes recommendations on academic standards, policies, and practices as they relate to the assessment of student learning outcomes at the course, program, and general education levels.
  2. Assists with the training and coordination of student learning outcomes assessment and supports the role of assessment in the program review process.
  3. Collaborates with the Instruction and General Education Committees to ensure meaningful assessment of student learning outcomes and to plan for improvement.
  4. Addresses other instructional policies and procedures as requested through the GSC by the President or the Vice President for Instruction.

2000.32.2 Membership

The Assessment Committee shall consist of 8 members, including: an instructional dean, the Assessment Liaison, a library faculty, 4 at-large faculty with at least one chosen from a professional-technical program, and one student.


2000.40 Student Services Committee

2000.40.1 Charge

The Student Services Committee develops policies and procedures in the area of student programs and services. Specifically, the Student Services Committee:

  1. Reviews and makes recommendations related to Special Programs/units associated with supporting student success; Student Activities; Academic Records and Academic Standards; Matriculation; and Student Rights and Responsibilities.
  2. Collaborates with the Instruction Committee where both committees have a vested interest in and responsibility for policies and/or procedures
  3. Selects a representative to participate in the In-Service Planning Committee.
  4. Addresses other Student Services-related policies and procedures as requested through the GSC by the President or the Vice President of Student Services.

2000.40.2 Membership

The Student Services Committee is composed of 11 members including two administrators, two faculty (at least one faculty counselor), two classified staff, two exempt professional staff (at least one from Counseling and Advising), and two students.


2000.50 Sustainability Committee

2000.50.1 Charge

The Sustainability Committee provides expertise and leadership to the college on sustainable practices related to college facilities, operations, curriculum, activities, and quality of campus life for students and employees.

2000.50.2 Membership

The Sustainability Committee is composed of eight voting members including one administrator, two faculty, two classified staff, two exempt professionals, and one student. The committee may also have up to three non-voting advisory members.


2000.60 Equity & Social Justice Committee

2000.60.1 Charge

The Equity and Social Justice Committee (ESJ) provides expertise and leadership to the college and larger community regarding district-wide policies and practices that promote equity, accountability, and a sense of belonging for the global majority. The work of the ESJ is directed towards a college environment that is inclusive, resulting in policies and practices that are anti-racist and equitable.

2000.60.2 Membership

The Equity & Social Justice Committee is composed of eight members including, the Associate Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, two administrators, two faculty, one classified staff, one exempt professional, and one student. Given the charge of this committee, efforts should be made to ensure that the membership is itself diverse in all respects. The Associate Vice President for Equity and Inclusion shall serve as a standing co-chair of the committee.


2000.70 Safety Committee

2000.70.1 Charge

Meeting as required by statute and rule, the Safety Committee provides expertise and leadership to the college in creating and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and students and in accordance WAC 296-800-130.

2000.70.2 Membership

The Safety Committee is composed of thirteen members including three administrators, three faculty, three classified staff, three exempt professionals, and one student.

Employee representatives serve a term of one year beginning Fall Quarter of each year. Employee representatives may serve multiple terms, at the pleasure of the representative unit or group. Employer selected members serve at the pleasure of the President.


2000.80 Information Technology Committee

2000.80.1 Charge

The Information Technology Committee, meeting once each quarter (excluding summer) provides a forum for reviewing, evaluating, and recommending acquisitions, strategies, planning, program development

and policies for campus information technology to support and advance the college’s mission, vision, values, and strategic plan.

2000.80.2 Membership

The Information Technology Committee is composed of seven to eight members including two administrators, two faculty, one classified staff, one exempt professional, a representative from the Whidbey Island Campus, and one student.