Policies and Procedures
5345 Tuition Payment and Refunds
Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09Revision Date(s): 3/11/20, 12/17/24
Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services
To establish deadlines for tuition payments and requests for refunds.
- Refunds of cancellation of fees—Community colleges and technical colleges.
- Rights of Washington national guard and other military reserve students called to service.
- SVC Policy 5315 Official Withdrawal from Courses
Students must pay tuition and fees or arrange funding by the dates listed on the Important Dates and Deadlines page. In the event of non-payment, students may be dropped for nonpayment by the tenth instructional day of the quarter. Students who owe an overdue balance will be prevented from enrolling until the balance is resolved. The college may pursue the collection of amounts due as allowed by law and will add collection costs to the amount due. Students who stop participating in a course must request to officially withdraw by the tuition reversal deadline to receive full or partial refund. Requests for withdrawals after the withdrawal deadlines will not be granted because the student was unaware of SVC Policy 5315 Official Withdrawal from Courses or did not officially withdraw from a class. A full refund will be given for any course canceled by the college.
Students who stop participating in a course must request to officially withdraw by the tuition reversal deadline to receive full or partial refund. Requests for withdrawals after the withdrawal deadlines will not be granted because the student was unaware of SVC Policy 5315 Official Withdrawal from Courses or did not officially withdraw from a class.
A full refund will be given for any course canceled by the college.
Refunds for official withdrawals from classes are made as follows:
For classes that follow the regular fall, winter, and spring quarterly schedule:
- 100% refund if a student withdraws through the fifth officially scheduled instructional day of the quarter.
- 50% refund if a student withdraws after the fifth instructional day and through the tenth instructional day of the quarter.
- 0% if the withdrawal occurs after the tenth instructional day of the quarter.
For classes that last fewer than eight weeks:
- 100% refund if a student withdraws through the fifth officially scheduled instructional day of the quarter.
- 50% refund if a student withdraws after the fifth instructional day and through the eighth instructional day of the quarter.
- 0% if the withdrawal occurs after the eighth instructional day of the quarter.
For classes that do not follow the regular quarterly schedule:
Refunds are calculated based on the scheduled course dates and the refund rules for regular quarterly classes.
Continuing and Community Education
A student will receive a 100% tuition refund if the college cancels the class or if the student officially withdraws two (2) business days prior to the first class meeting. No refund will be given after that day. Exceptions must be approved by the continuing and community education director. Material fees will not be refunded