Policies and Procedures
5705 Student Complaint
Initial Date of Approval: 12/17/24Revision Date(s):
Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services
To allow students to register complaints or concerns related to their educational goals and to resolve disputes fairly and promptly.
WAC 132D-150 Code of Student Conduct
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ recognizes that students may have complaints and concerns related to their educational goals and has developed processes to address them. This policy provides procedures to address both general and academic complaints, including concerns about how a grade was calculated or the application of course standards and requirements. The college encourages resolution of concerns at the lowest level possible, beginning with the individuals involved, before moving to the department or division level.
Limitations to this policy. This policy does not cover complaints related to the following:
- SVC Policy 3070 Non-discrimination and Prevention of Sexual Harassment addresses complaints or concerns regarding discrimination based on membership in a protected class, gender-based discrimination that falls outside the jurisdiction of Title IX, or harassment or bullying based on membership in a protected class. The policy also covers retaliation when an adverse action is either threatened or taken against an individual for engaging in protected activity.
- Concerns regarding student conduct, which are addressed through the student conduct code and the outcome of disciplinary proceedings based on Policy 5700 Code of Student Conduct (WAC 132D-150), or
- Federal and state laws, rules, and regulations; policies, regulations, and procedures adopted by the state board of community and technical colleges or the board of trustees of Community College District No.
College personnel actions are considered confidential. Results may not be made available for review.
General Complaint Procedures (Non-academic Complaints)
If a student believes they have been unfairly treated by an officer of the college,
faculty member, or a member of the college staff in a matter unrelated to academic
performance or evaluation, the student should follow the complaint procedures in the
order outlined below. The student must initiate proceedings with the college within
thirty (30) calendar days of the occurrence that gave rise to the complaint. The college
may choose to take appropriate corrective action at any time based on a student report
whether or not the student chooses to pursue the complaint process. A student with
a general complaint may contact the counseling office for information about this process.
- A student with a general complaint should contact the faculty or staff member with whom they have a concern and attempt to resolve the matter through direct discussion. If a student is concerned about inappropriate or unprofessional instructor or staff conduct, they may instead make their general complaint to the faculty member’s department chair or the staff member’s immediate supervisor.
- If direct discussion does not resolve the concern to the student’s satisfaction, the student may take the matter to the faculty member’s department chair or the staff member’s immediate supervisor. For assistance identifying the correct person, the student may contact the counseling office. The department chair or supervisor shall attempt to resolve the matter promptly and fairly.
- If the issue is not resolved, the supervisor shall forward the complaint to the appropriate dean or director who shall meet with the student and, within ten business days, write a letter to the complainant student, copied to the faculty or staff member involved, that describes a resolution.
- If the proposed resolution is not accepted, the student can appeal the decision of the dean or director to the appropriate vice president. The appeal should be submitted in writing with the previous decision letter within ten business days of the dean or director's resolution. The vice president will respond in writing within 21 business days. The decision of the vice president is final.
Academic Complaint Procedures
Students with concerns about how a grade was calculated, the application of course standards and requirements, or other academic matters such as assignments, class projects, or group work should use the following steps to address their concerns. A student with an academic complaint may contact the counseling office for information about this process.
- Instructor level. A student with an academic concern should meet with their instructor to discuss the concern.
- Department chair level. If direct discussion with the instructor does not resolve the concern to the student’s satisfaction, the student may take the matter to the faculty member’s department chair. The student should submit documentation that supports the complaint to the chair. This documentation may include the course syllabus, a copy of the student’s grades, written feedback, or correspondence with the instructor. The chair shall attempt to resolve the matter promptly and fairly. If the instructor is also the department chair, the student should go to the next level.
- Instructional dean level. If the issue is not resolved, the department chair shall refer the complaint to the appropriate instructional dean who shall meet with the student and seek to resolve the dispute.
- Formal academic complaint level. If the matter cannot be resolved informally, the student may file a formal grade complaint
using the academic complaint form. The formal complaint should include evidence for
at least one of the following:
- Deviation from course grading standards as specified in the syllabus.
- Errors in applying grading procedures.
- Lowering of grades for nonacademic reasons.
The instructional dean may request additional information or evidence from the student, which the student must provide within five (5) business days.
Within ten business days after receipt of the formal grade complaint and supporting evidence, the dean will send a decision letter to the complainant student, copied to the faculty member involved.
- Academic complaint review committee level. The complainant student may appeal the resolution of the formal academic complaint through the following process:
- Within five working days from the resolution of the formal academic complaint level, the complainant student may submit a request to the vice president of academic affairs that their complaint be heard by the academic complaint review committee.
- The student’s petition for review should include all prior documentation and the dean’s decision letter. The student may bring one support person to the hearing if the name of the support person is included with the petition.
- All documentation will be distributed to all members of the academic complaint review committee.
- The academic complaint review committee will be comprised of the following members
according to the specified appointment process:
a. The chair—appointed by the vice president of academic affairs; and
b. Two faculty members—appointed by the vice president of academic affairs; and
c. Two students—appointed by the president of the associated students of Skagit Valley College; and
d. Two staff members, one classified and one exempt—appointed by the vice president of academic affairs. - Hearings may be heard by a quorum of four members of the academic complaint review committee so long as one faculty member and one student are included on the hearing panel. Committee action may be taken upon a majority vote of all committee members attending the hearing.
- Members of the academic complaint review committee shall not participate in any case in which they are a party, complainant, or witness; in which they have direct or personal interest, prejudice, or bias; or in which they have acted previously in an advisory capacity. Any party may petition for disqualification of a committee member pursuant to RCW 34.05.425(4).
- The academic complaint review committee may call any witnesses and hear any testimony needed to reach a prompt, fair resolution of the complaint. The proceedings before the committee shall not be considered a formal trial-type hearing.
- Within five business days of the hearing's conclusion, the committee shall issue a written decision to all involved in the case.
Academic Complaint Review Committee Appeal
If a student believes that their complaint was not handled according to these procedures,
they may request a review by the college president or their designate, provided that
the appeal is made within five business days of the student’s receipt of notice of
the decision by the academic complaint review committee.
The president’s review will be limited to the process carried out by administrators and the academic complaint review committee together with any appeal statement made by the student. The president will deliver a written acceptance of the academic complaint review committee’s decision or directions as to what other course of action shall be taken, within ten business days after receiving the appeal. This decision will be final.