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8000 Information Resources and Technology

Initial Date of Approval: 6/14/10

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Director of Information Technology


To set forth the policies and procedures related to the appropriate and acceptable use of technology at SVC.


  • Ethics in Public Service
  • Hate crime offense—Definition and criminal penalty.
  • Obscene prints and articles—Jurisdiction to enjoin.
  • Copyright Law of the United States


It is the policy of Ƶ to provide a comprehensive range of appropriate technologies to support instruction, learning, and the efficient management and administration of the College’s internal and external business and operations. Users will abide by all college, state, and federal regulations regarding the acquisition and use of information resources and technology.


General Computing Procedures (8010)

Application of Policies. To remain in full compliance with the Information Services Board (ISB) of the Washington State Department of Information Services (DIS) Ƶ (SVC) Information Technology is required to implement and maintain policies and standards set forth by the ISB. These policies and standards, maintained by the Information Technology Security Administrator, help SVC Information Technology remain in compliance with security and audit requirements.

Policies related to faculty, staff and administrator will be available on the SVC portal. Policies related to students will be made available on the SVC website.

The provision and use of computing and networking privileges is governed by Skagit Valley College’s policies and standards as provided by the State of Washington or other governmental agencies. Supervisors, system and facility managers are responsible for ensuring compliance with these policies and standards.

Institutional Purposes. Use of computing resources is for purposes related to Ƶ’s mission of education and public service. All computer service users may use computing resources for purposes related to their Ƶ studies, their instruction, their duties as employees, their official business with the college.


Lab Access and Computer Use (8020)

With the exception of information kiosk stations and library reference and research terminals, Ƶ does not make computers available for public use. Unauthorized use of computers or computer equipment may result in corrective and/or disciplinary action.

General purpose computer labs are made available quarterly for Ƶ educational purposes to those students who have paid the appropriate fee, have current student validation, and who have signed and agreed to lab policies.

Computers located in special-use classrooms, offices or other non-public areas are not intended for general access. Computer labs designed to support specific classes or courses of study may be made available for general use during times when they are not otherwise utilized. At such times, authorized students needing access to those specific programs residing on specific machines in those labs will have preferential access.


Electronic Mail Procedures (8030)

Global or group messages shall be limited to the students’ studies or work assignments. Students may not send “random” email messages. Users may not send messages that could be interpreted as harassing, threatening, or obscene, or which create a hostile environment.

College email capabilities shall not be used for non-college-sanctioned purposes including non-college-related fundraising, non-college related commercial purposes, or for political lobbying.

Electronic mail systems shall not be disrupted, used for chain letters or used to conduct illegal activities.


Web Pages Procedures (8040)

Faculty or students in classes may publish web pages on the World Wide Web within limits established by the Public Information Office and Information Technology, and within the reasonable physical limits of the systems involved. For operational safety the College Webmaster will have full server access to any page being hosted on the colleges’ wide area network (www).

An official college-hosted web page represents Ƶ and its official programs and departments. Official college-hosted web pages are treated as publications, and must comply with standards, procedures, and policies set forth by the college. The Public Information Office approves the information on these pages prior to posting and retains editorial control of appearance and content of college web pages.

A faculty web server which contains individual course and faculty information does not require pre-approval nor is it monitored by the Public Information Office. Content of faculty web pages is subject to the approval of the appropriate department. The server and software for the faculty web information pages is maintained by Information Technology.

Student web pages may be maintained and sponsored by various college departments. These pages must meet appropriate college, and state and federal regulations. These pages are not maintained or evaluated by the Public Information Office or Information Technology.

Use, Responsibility and Content. Users assume responsibility for the content of their web pages. They must abide by all college, state, and federal laws that pertain to communication and publishing. Users of the college’s information systems are subject to such laws and that the consequences of violations can be severe.

Users may not use home pages for non-College related commercial activity. This includes but is not limited to running any sort of private business through a home page. Users may not use web pages for fund-raising or advertising for commercial or non-commercial organizations, except for college-related events.

Responsibility for the content of users’ web pages resides solely with the author(s). The views and opinions expressed by users on their personal pages are strictly the views and opinions of the authors and do not carry the official sanction of the college.

Users may not use the college name in their web pages in any way that implies endorsement of other organizations, products, or services. Permission to use the college name, logos, and seal in any way shall be granted by the Public Information Office only.


Electronic Citizenship Procedures (8050)

Usage. Computing resources should be used appropriately in accordance with the high ethical standards of the college. College networks and equipment must comply with the standards of State ethics laws and use policies of those networks which provide service.

Passwords. Passwords shall not be shared or made available to others. Student users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users, whether on the Ƶ campus or elsewhere.

Identification. Users must not forge or otherwise attempt to send mail that contains false address information, or represent themselves as others.

Harassment. Campus computer resources shall not be used for the purpose of harassing other users or creating a hostile work or learning environment, either on the campus or elsewhere.

System Misuse. College computer resources shall not be used for the purpose of impairing the use or operations of any computing system or network on the campus.

Hacking. Campus computing users shall not, by any means, attempt to infiltrate or ‘hack’ into a computing system or network at college facilities or elsewhere. Users may not capture, record, or monitor any traffic on any network in an attempt to violate the system or security, or to gain access to private communications.

Alterations. Users shall not attempt to damage or intentionally alter the hardware or the software components of a computing system or network, either on the Ƶ campus

Equipment Attachment. Users may not physically attach non-college computers to College-owned computer equipment, peripherals or the network without Information Technology authorization.

Users may not reconfigure or reconnect Ƶ systems or equipment without Information Technology authorization.

Compliance. Lab users are expected to comply fully with the instructions of facility staff and system managers. In particular, users will vacate terminals, workstations, or the facility and will surrender other resources (such as printers and software) promptly when asked to do so, both at closing times and when necessary to permit access by others.

Right to Privacy (8060)

In the normal course of operating and maintaining the network and the systems connected to it, the contents of files and of data on the network will not be examined unless such files or data are causing network difficulties. Employees can expect to be notified when support personnel accessed their college-provided computers or files for maintenance or operational purposes.

In preserving the integrity and security of computing systems, SVC network staff may copy or move network-stored user files for routine backups and preservation. Program files, or files containing viruses, may be examined if such files appear to be creating network difficulties. Mail files cannot be opened by Ƶ staff without the owner’s knowledge.

Non-mail file contents may become known during the course of systems operations or maintenance. Program files may be examined if they are causing network difficulties.

All Ƶ files, including mail files, are subject to search and seizure by law enforcement agencies without notification. State and Federal legal agencies, using appropriate legal processes, may require access to mail files without user or Ƶ knowledge.

Network Resources and Operational Limits (8070)

Computing and networking resources will vary depending on need and the determinations of the Dean of Technology and eLearning and the administration.

System managers have discretion to set and revise reasonable usage priorities and operational procedures (such as hours of operation, usage time limits, populations to be served, etc.) as may be reasonably necessary for the operation of their systems or facilities.

Network operations and configurations will be determined by the Dean of Technology and eLearning and the administration taking into account security and operational efficiencies as well as college needs.

Equipment operating in violation of network policies, or which poses a risk to the network, may be removed from the network.


Adjudication, Enforcement, and Sanctions (8080)

The responsibility for investigating alleged non-compliance with the provisions of these policies rests with the appropriate administrator. The investigation of alleged non- compliance with any policy in this section will be conducted in accordance with College policy, procedures and collective bargaining agreements.

Suspended Service. System managers may suspend service to users without notice when found necessary in the operation or integrity of the system or the networks connected to it. Cessation of service, whether by network disconnection or disablement of log-in capability, shall be utilized in preference to file inspection when remedying or investigating instances of alleged disruption.

Violations. Violation of the policies described herein for legal and ethical use of computing resources will be dealt with in accordance with appropriate sanctions. . Individuals accused of violations will be subject to the normal disciplinary and grievance procedures of the College or negotiated agreements. Illegal acts involving Ƶ computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by State and federal authorities. Ƶ will cooperate with local, State or federal agencies in ensuring that users of the SVC network are in compliance with appropriate laws and regulations.

Copyright (8090)

Copyright Officer. The chief administrator of the library shall serve as the copyright officer for the college. The copyright officer shall:

  • Exercise general oversight of the copyright function for the college and provide training for employees;
  • Ensure that information about the law and guidelines are available in appropriate instructional offices, libraries, copy centers, and college bookstores and other designated areas, and
  • Serve as the final authority for approval or denial of college services or requests made through the college bookstores, libraries, copy centers or other campus offices that have copiers for student and employee use, and
  • Serve as the final authority on appropriate use of intellectual property in both onsite and online instructional settings.

Copying Prohibitions. Copying of materials or other uses not specifically allowed by the law, fair use, license agreement, or the permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.

If after a study of the law and/or guidelines there is uncertainty as to whether reproduction or use of materials meets the requirements of the law; the copyright officer shall be consulted.

If the copyright officer determines that the requirements of the law have not been met, the college employee or student requesting to copy the material must seek written authorization to copy or use the material from the copyright holder in the manner set out in college guidelines.

If the material is to be reproduced and sold in the college bookstores, the written request for authorization must state that the material is to be reproduced and sold. Permission costs for course packs will be recovered through retail distribution. An Indemnity Agreement will be required to be signed before materials will be sold in the college bookstore.

Liability and Sanctions for Liability and Sanctions for Willful infringement. In the case that an individual uses a college service to violate copyright law, the liability for willful infringement of the copyright law and guidelines shall rest with the individual requesting the work.

Ƶ will impose sanctions on any student or employee where there is a finding of willful infringement of the copyright policy consistent with appropriate college policies, collective bargaining agreements and other contractual arrangements.

Copyright Authorization Files. Permanent files of all written copyright authorizations, permissions, releases, waivers, responses to requests for permissions and licensing agreements will be held in locations designated by the college president or designee.

College users are responsible for complying with the license and copyright provisions of the software that they use. No software copy is to be installed, made or distributed by any user without a prior determination that such an activity is in fact permissible. All users must respect the legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs, images, sounds and data, including protections extended to those materials which may be found on the network and internet.

The information technology department will maintain licenses of software in the general labs in Ford Hall, general labs at Oak Harbor and other lab facilities as may be determined by the college. Divisions and departments are responsible for maintaining the records of software licenses applicable in their labs or areas, as well as departmental or specific software that is placed on the network for their specific use.

Limits of Liability (8100)

Ƶ makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, that the functions or services provided through the SVC network system will be error free or without defect. The College will not be responsible for any damages users may suffer, including, but not limited to, the loss of network services or access. The College will not be responsible for the accuracy of any information obtained through or stored on the College network system or computers.