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I really appreciate the opportunities for Hannah to try different classes to see what she likes/ dislikes as she moves forward in life and a career. I think being able to attend both INVEST and regular classes is helping her build the skill she needs to be successful.

-Mike Grace (Parent)

I would recommend this program to other students because it’s very supportive and it’s been a very helpful program for anybody because it helps you get ready for your next chapter in your life.

-Gates Bartolovic (INV Student)

Mount Vernon School District not only appreciates this opportunity for our adult learners after they transition from a high school campus, but Mrs. Lisa Forsythe is a very caring and compassionate teacher. The students love her and the program!

-Golda Hornbacher (MVHS Counselor)

While the students in the INVEST program have a different set of outcomes, they are challenged to work with their peers in class, rehearse outside the class on their own time and perform college level work. Like all students in the course, INVEST students are required to participate in a final performance, with family and friends invited to attend.

The pride I see on the students face after a successful performance, witnessed by their loved ones, is incredibly rewarding.

-Damond Morris (SVC Drama Dept. Faculty)

Working with students from the INVEST program has been a wonderful experience for me. We have an ultimate opportunity to impact the student’s lives in a manner they may otherwise never get.

When student commitment and passion to succeed meets opportunity, real learning is happening. I enjoy being part of it.

-Erwin Swetnam (SVC Business Dept. Faculty)


Contact Information

Kayla Angulo

INVEST Director
Phone: 360.416.7813
Email: Kayla.Angulo@skagit.edu