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Joint Services Transcript

All veterans and active duty military students are required to provide a copy of their Joint Services Transcript (JST) to Ƶ as there is potential to receive credits based on your military experience. Additionally, if you have earned college credit from previous schools, you must submit those official transcripts for evaluation.


Obtaining Your Joint Services Transcript

To download a copy of your JST, go to . The steps are outlined in this .

  • SVC recommends you download and print an unofficial transcript for yourself which can be used for advising.


The Importance of Transcript Evaluation

At Ƶ, we want to help you reach your educational goals. Having your transcripts evaluated before you enroll at SVC ensures that you:

  • Get credit from the military and other colleges you attended. This can shorten the time it takes to get your degree or certificate.
  • Take the correct classes for your degree. The Veterans Administration (VA) or the Virtual Education Center may require repayment if you take classes for which you could have received credit.


How do I get my transcript(s) evaluated?

  • Order your official JST and all other college transcripts and have them sent to Skagit Valley College
    • If you have them sent to your residence, do not open them as they must be unopened to be official. Bring them unopened to Enrollment Services at Mount Vernon Campus or to Student Services at the Whidbey Island Campus.
  • Submit a to Enrollment Services at the Mount Vernon Campus or to Student Services at the Whidbey Island Campus. This will initiate the evaluation process.
    • Include JST and all other colleges under “Transcripts to be Evaluated.”



All veteran students should review the information at skagit.edu/veterans and visit one of the Veterans Education Offices located on the Mount Vernon and Whidbey Island Campuses to learn more about the process to access and use your Veterans Administration (VA) Educational Benefits.

For additional information about using the GI Bill for college classes, please contact a Veterans Education office.

Mount Vernon Campus
Email: jason.mccloskey@skagit.edu