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Accounts Payable


Accounts Payable (AP) performs general finance and accounting tasks which include reconciling payments, reviewing and processing invoices, and payment requests. If non-Business Office Staff receive an invoice from a vendor, forward it directly to accountspayable@skagit.edu. AP staff will verify receipt of goods or services via packing slips and process payment. An invoice must be provided in order to pay the vendor. Estimates and quotes are not acceptable in lieu of an invoice.


Check Write

Checks are printed as needed by AP staff. Check pick-up is available by appointment only. For an appointment during published business hours, connect with accountspayable@skagit.edu.

Delays in payment processing can occur due to:

  • Incomplete account numbers
  • Missing documentation
  • Missing approvals
  • Obtaining a W-9 for a new vendor

If a vendor or staff member thinks a check is delayed or missing, connect with accountspayable@skagit.edu for the status of the payment. 


New Vendors

All companies and individuals paid through AP are required to have a on file with the SVC Business Office regardless of payment amount or tax status.

For security purposes, it is not recommended that W-9 forms with social security numbers be submitted via email. You can mail or drop off the completed W-9 form to the SVC Business Office:

SVC Business Office
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA  98273


Non-Travel Business Meals

Expenses related to meals provided in conjunction with College meetings and events are reimbursable under certain circumstances. The prior approval form must be completed and approved before placing the order for the event. For more information about the purchasing process, connect with SVC Procurement 


Personal Reimbursements

Personal reimbursements must be submitted through ctcLink as an expense report and are limited to professional memberships and goods up to $200. Educational and Office Supply reimbursements should be for non-routine, emergency type purchases.

The College will not reimburse employee expenses from receipts that are more than 90 days old. Original receipts are required and must include the date, vendor, and total amount paid. There should be no personal items included on the same receipt. Employee supervisors may require more stringent documentation to support expenditures.

For assistance with reimbursements, contact your Department’s Administrative Assistant or Miranda Brown.


Accounts Payable Staff

Miranda Brown
Accounts Payable (A-I Vendors) and Travel
Email: accountspayable@skagit.edu or travel@skagit.edu
Phone: 360.416.7646

Kathy Schmeltz
Accounts Payable (J-Q Vendors)
Email: accountspayable@skagit.edu
Phone: 360.679.5357

Shirley Confer
Accounts Payable (R-Z Vendors)
Email: accountspayable@skagit.edu