Student Equity and Inclusion Services
Diversity Resources
TRiO Student Support Services
TRiO Student Support Services is a federally funded grant program that assists eligible students who want to excel in college but may have backgrounds that make this task difficult or challenging.
Central Washington University
The Diversity Education Center enhances a vibrant campus environment through intentional
and thought-provoking programming that challenges students to strengthen intercultural
competencies and develop transformative ideas and skills.
Eastern Washington University
Index of Diversity Resources available at EWU:
Evergreen State College
First Peoples’ Advising Services assists students of color in achieving their academic
and personal goals through comprehensive academic, social and personal advising, referral
services to campus and community resources and ongoing advocacy within the college.
University of Washington
Index of links to departments with the Office of Minority Affairs:
Washington State University
Homepage for the Office of Multicultural Student Services:
Western Washington University
Homepage for Diversity at WWU: