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Change of Circumstances

The Financial Aid Office is committed to a thorough and personal review of each family’s individual circumstances as the basis for determining a student’s financial aid eligibility.  However, we recognize that family circumstances can change unexpectedly, affecting a family’s ability to contribute toward educational expenses.

Your financial aid is based on income from two years prior to the start of the academic year as reported on the FAFSA application.  If your family’s circumstances change after receiving your financial aid award, you may request a review of your financial aid eligibility by completing the Petition for Change of Circumstance. ​

The following may be considered changes of circumstances:

  • Significant loss of income due to termination, layoff, injury or other circumstances beyond your control
  • One-time/non-recurring income
  • Unreimbursed medical payments
  • Marital separation or divorce (must be living separately with the intent of staying apart)

The following are not considered changes of circumstance:

  • Parent(s) refusal to contribute to educational expenses
  • Student reducing or stopping work to enroll in college

Additional financial assistance is determined on a case-by-case basis. Submission of the petition form does not guarantee an adjustment or increase to your financial aid. Your federal income taxes, W-2 statements, payroll stubs and documentation of other income or payments (child support or medical) must be on file for us to consider an adjustment. You may submit the Change of Circumstance Petition to us via email at financial.aid@skagit.edu. If you are sending documents with personally identifiable numbers or addresses, you may mark-out that information before sending.

Forms and Resources

Change of Circumstance Petitions will be reviewed in the order they are received. Please allow approximately 10 to 14 business days for us to review your request. Most times, we will contact students at the email address listed on the FAFSA if more information is required.