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About the Office of Equity & Inclusion

The OEI will:

  • Collaborate with other college offices to develop and coordinate outreach and awareness programs designed to increase the enrollment and success of traditionally underrepresented student populations.
  • Collaborate with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning to develop, monitor and analyze measures of institutional effectiveness related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Collaborate and support recruitment strategies for diverse candidate pools and professional training to promote intercultural competencies and a climate of equity and inclusion.
  • Provide leadership and support to the College’s Equity and Social Justice Committee.
  • Collaborate with Instruction as an advocate for inclusive pedagogy practices and for the development of courses and curricula that include equity and inclusion.
  • Develop meaningful relationships with external populations, including community leaders, civic and grassroots organizations, and federal, state, local and Tribal governments.

For more information about equity and inclusion including undocumented students, student clubs, LGBTQ, programming activities and more, visit the Student Equity and Inclusion Services page.