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International Student Homestay

Homestay is a living arrangement available to International students who would like to live with an American family. In return for a monthly payment, a Host Family provides the student with a private room and home atmosphere. This setting works well for a student who wants to interact as a family member, often sharing meals and activities.

Please note: minimum stay in Homestay is one quarter.


Application Procedure

Application packages are available at the SVC International Programs Office or online. The completed application forms and supporting documents may be faxed, brought or mailed to the college at the address below:

International Programs Office
International Programs Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, Washington 98273

Email: international.admissions@skagit.edu
Phone: 360.416.7600

Download Application Package


Homestay Options

Traditional Homestay

Monthly Stipend: $750 (18 yrs. and over), $800 (under 18 yrs.)

  • All food main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is provided.
  • Specialty foods requested may be at the student’s expense.
  • The host prepares up to five evening meals each week. Students are responsible to make their own breakfast, lunch, and weekend dinners with food provided by the host.
  • Each student is provided a private room, bed, desk, chair, light, dresser, closet, towels and bedding.
  • Other expenses such as bus fare, personal items, long distance phone use, and Internet installation are not included in the monthly fee.
  • The monthly Homestay fee is due each month on the date the student moved in.

Room and Kitchen Access

Monthly Stipend: $550

  • No food is provided.
  • The student will need to purchase and prepare all their own food using the host’s kitchen.
  • Each student is provided a private room, bed, desk, chair, light, dresser, closet, towels and bedding.
  • Other expenses such as bus fare, personal items, long distance phone use, and Internet installation are not included in the monthly fee.
  • The monthly Homestay fee is due each month on the date the student moved in.

Total Homestay Costs

  • Application Fee: $150
    The application fee is due with the Homestay application.
  • Security/Damage Deposit & Cleaning Fee: $250
    $200 of this is refundable and will be returned to the student within 30 days after moving out if there are no damages and the student has completed the 20-days notice paperwork before moving out.
  • Monthly Stipend: $550/$750/$800 (based on the option)
    This monthly fee is a payment to the Host for living in their home and is to be paid directly by the student to the host. This is due each month on the date that you moved in.


Living in a Homestay

Homestay Commitment: We expect students to stay in their Homestay at least one academic quarter (unless your program is shorter than a quarter) in order to be fair to hosts. The first 10 days of the Homestay are considered a trial period to ensure that host and student are compatible. During this period, if you and the host decide you are not compatible, you may move out and pay the pro-rated amount of $20 per night for the nights of your stay. After the first 10 days, you should stay in the Homestay for the remainder of the quarter, and when you decide to move out, you must give your host 20 days notice. Homestay is available to students of all ages. Students under the age of 18 years old must live in a Homestay, it is their only option.

Family Life: What makes up a family in the United States may be similar to a traditional family in your own country, or it may be very different. We have hosts from various ethnic groups, socioeconomic levels, religions, and lifestyles. Although we are committed to making appropriate and comfortable Homestay matches, we cannot accommodate requests for hosts of a specific racial background, of a specific religion, with a specific number of children, or any other characteristic. Please be open to experiencing our cultural diversity.

Homes: Just as there are different hosts, there are many different kinds of homes. Some homes are large and elegant; some are small and quite modest. Some homes may be in town and some in the country. Some hosts live in apartments. No matter the home, all students are provided with a private room with a window, chest of drawers, desk, chair, adequate lighting, bed, bedding, and closet.

Participation in Family Life: By choosing to live in a Homestay, a student makes the choice to be part of an American family. Families typically want to interact with their students. Students are encouraged to plan their schedules around their host’s schedule when possible, to make interaction possible. For example, mealtimes are often the best time to visit with the family and also practice English. Students should try to schedule their school and social calendars to be available at that time, if at all possible.

Rules: Your host will explain the rules when you arrive. These rules could include what chores each household member is responsible for, whether you can invite your friends over, and how late you can receive phone calls. Most students seem to adapt easily to their hosts’ lifestyles. In general, be respectful and know you are expected to follow your host’s rules as a member of the family. Please note the following:

  • You are responsible to pay for all your long distance phone calls. Your host may or may not allow you to use their telephone line for the Internet, but may allow you to set up a separate line to do so. Some hosts may already have a separate phone line in your room.
  • Students generally are not allowed to use the hosts’ computer.
  • Smoking is not allowed in most homes. If you are a smoker, and your host doesn’t allow you to smoke in their home, they may ask you to smoke away from the house.
  • By being a member of the family, you may be asked to help with small household chores, such as helping with dishes, vacuuming, etc.
  • Underage students will have additional rules applied due to their age.

Responsibilities: Students living in Homestay are responsible for their own transportation, the Homestay fees, and for following procedures for moving in and out of Homestay. Following are additional guidelines:

  • Nearly all students walk, ride a bicycle, ride the bus or have a personal vehicle for transportation to school. Your host is not responsible for providing your transportation.
  • You are responsible to pay your host your monthly stipend based on your agreement: Traditional under 18 – $800, Traditional over 18 – $750, Non-Traditional (only 18 and over) – $550.  In addition, upon arrival, you must pay the host a $250 deposit and cleaning fee.  $200 of which is refundable after moving out, as long as there has been no damage and everything is cleaned.
  • Once you move in with a host, it is your responsibility to contact the SVC Homestay Coordinator if you have any questions, concerns, or problems. Remember: you must give the host 20 days notice prior to moving out. If you do not, the host is entitled to keep your prepaid rent and your security deposit. At this time, you must also file a notice with the Homestay Coordinator’s office. (Forms are available in the International Programs Office for this purpose.)
  • When departing, you must return your host’s key, provide your new contact information for forwarding mail and phone calls, and leave your room as clean as you originally found it. You are responsible for any damage you cause at your Homestay.
  • Student’s Personal Property. The student’s personal property is not the responsibility of SVC or the host family. Any lost or stolen personal property of the student, including lost or stolen money, which is not covered by an insurance policy, is the responsibility of the student. Students are required to establish a bank account separate from that of their host family.