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What is On-Campus Housing?

Campus View Village (CVV) is the SVC student exclusive apartment complex located directly north of the SVC Mount Vernon campus. Each of the 35 apartments hold 4 single bedrooms with a shared bathroom, kitchen, and sitting area. This 140-bed complex is the only student housing offered by 秋葵视频. For more information, visit the Campus View Village main page.

All residents of CVV are 秋葵视频 students. Therefore, they are held to the Code of Student Conduct. Additionally, residents are held to the policies outlined in the CVV Resident Handbook. There is some overlap in these two documents, so violations of certain policies can impact a person鈥檚 status as both a student at SVC and a resident of CVV.

CVV has live-in student Resident Advisors (RAs) who primarily respond to alleged violations and submit reports. However, anyone is able to submit a report of alleged violations. These submitted reports are reviewed by either the Director of Residence Life or the Assistant Director of Residence Life.

Anything that is a violation of the CVV Resident Handbook. This includes:

  • Excessive noise (especially during quiet hours)
  • Violations of guest policies
  • Illegal drugs and underage alcohol use/possession
  • Smoking in-unit or in other unauthorized locations
  • Harassment
  • Any concerning or suspicious behavior that doesn鈥檛 require an immediate response

Use the 鈥淪ubmit a Housing Report鈥 button below for any Campus View Village issues. This report will be reviewed by either the Director of Residence Life or the Residence Life Coordinator. Any issues requiring additional review will be forwarded to the appropriate campus office.

CVV Housing Conduct Workflow and Communication Plan

CVV Housing Conduct Workflow

  1. Incident Report submitted through SVC Reporting Page
  2. Housing Conduct Officer does initial intake review within 5 business days
    1. If report generated from non-CVV staff member, reporter will be emailed to confirm their report has been received within 2 business days.
  3. Intake review of report
    1. Determine if there are any Title IX or Bias implications
      1. Forward to Deputy Title IX Director or Bias Response Team, if needed
    2. Determine if the report warrants the creation of a case, merging with another case, set aside for future consideration, or discarded.
      1. Reports shall be set aside if no violation present, but potentially useful in determining future patterns
      2. Reports shall only be discarded in very rare circumstances: duplicate or incomplete submissions, for instance.
    3. Case created and assigned to the appropriate Housing Conduct Officer
      1. Determine if the report warrants a joint hearing process that includes a Campus Conduct Officer due to alleged violations of CVV policy AND SVC Code of Student Conduct policy. If so, Step 4 and all sub-steps are done jointly
    4. Housing Conduct Officer shall investigate assigned case and contact involved parties within 10 business days of the initial report
      1. For first time, low level (e.g. noise, guest) policy violations where alleged is reported to have taken responsibility during initial staff interaction, a written warning may be issued without full investigation.
        1. Alleged has 10 business days to submit written request for a hearing to the Housing Conduct Officer
      2. Housing Conduct Officer shall schedule any meetings using student class schedule and shall be at least 2 business days from the date of the call-in notice being distributed via Maxient.
        1. Involved party/parties may request a meeting on an expedited timeline if Housing hearing officer can accommodate.
        2. Initial outreach will be sent digitally to SVC student email accounts.
        3. (When able and if initial message has not been digitally accessed) The day prior to scheduled meeting, the scheduling message will go back out to a personal email (if on-file) and notification via text message (if phone number on-file)
      3. Housing Conduct Officer conducts all alleged, victim, and witness meetings 鈥 inclusive of any follow-up meetings required of previously interviewed alleged, victim, or witnesses.
        1. People who do not attend their scheduled meeting may be rescheduled and communication will go out on the same timeline as listed in step 4.2.2/4.2.3 listed above.
        2. Rescheduling is NOT guaranteed and the process may move forward without provided participation.
      4. Housing Conduct Officer reviews all available information and makes outcome determination(s)
      5. Housing Conduct Officer notifies alleged party/parties of outcome and sanctions 鈥 if any 鈥 within 10 business days of initial meeting(s).
        1. If an outcome or sanctions have not been determined within 10 business days, an updated timeline shall be sent to all involved parties.
        2. If alleged party/parties are found responsible, the outcome letter shall outline the available appeals process.
        3. If outcome and sanctioning has direct impact on any other involved parties, Housing Conduct Officer shall communicate necessary and appropriate information (e.g. roommate victims of assault)
      6. Housing Conduct Officer will close out completed case
        1. Minimally, cases shall remain open until the window for appeal has closed
        2. Individual cases shall also remain open until all sanctions have been completed

CVV Housing Conduct Appeals Workflow

Appeals for Housing and Residence Life policies shall be submitted via the Housing and Residence Life Appeals Form to the identified next level of hearing officer in the decision letter (either the Director of Residence Life or the Executive Director of the 秋葵视频 Foundation) within 10 business days of the dated outcome letter.  This form shall be included as an attachment in the Maxient decision letter for those found to be responsible.

  1. An appeal is submitted within the 10 business day window must include the fully completed Housing and Residence Life Appeals Form.
    1. Appeals must be founded in one of the following:
      1. A procedural error that significantly impacted the decision making process;
      2. Sanction(s) assigned are not appropriate for the violation(s), with respect to the applicable prior case history (if applicable);
      3. To consider new information that was nor previously available at the time of the investigation. New information is information/facts/evidence not previously known and the appealing student could not have reasonably discovered this information prior to hearing.
    2. Apelet officer shall confirm via email to the appealing student 鈥 and separately to the original decision maker 鈥 that the appeal has been received
    3. Apelet officer shall review the submitted Housing and Residence Life Appeals Form and any included support documents
    4. Apelet officer shall review any/all applicable contents of the case鈥檚 specific Maxient file, as well as the appealing student鈥檚 Maxient file (if applicable).  This may include:
      1. The initial Incident Report submitted
      2. Specific notes logged in the case鈥檚 investigation
      3. When applicable (if student had been found responsible or are only appealing the sanction) 鈥 Apelet officer shall review past conduct history in making sanctioning determinations
    5. Apelet officer shall make contact via email with the appealing student within 5 business days from receiving an appeal with either
      1. a decision based on a thorough review of the appeal statement and full case file;
      2. an update of timeline and rationale for the need for additional time
    6. If an updated timeline is utilized, apelet officer shall provide a new next-contact date not to exceed 10 business days.
      1. Next contact may be a decision based on the conclusion of the review or an updated timeline with a new next-contact date (not to exceed 10 business days).
    7. If the Director of Residence Life is the apelet officer, a decision can be appealed again to the Executive Director of the 秋葵视频 Foundation and shall follow the same process as outlined above.  The decision of the Executive Director of the 秋葵视频 Foundation shall be final with no additional avenue for appeal.
    8. After 10 business days without appeal, the outcome letter shall be considered final.

NOTE: An appeal is NOT a re-hearing of the case.  Only the documents provided and outlined above will be reviewed and considered.

NOTE: During an appeal, unless otherwise stated, all sanctioned timelines/deadlines/due dates are to be honored and interim measures may remain in effect (such as temporary housing reassignment, etc.) during the appeal process.

鈥淲e strive to be responsive and provide updates on cases every 30 days. If you have questions about an existing case, please contact incidentreports@skagit.edu for an update.鈥

If you are unsure if something is reportable, or you have any other questions about CVV-related reports or issues, please contact: